Monday, August 29, 2011

Where to begin?

At the beginning. Drew got mononucleosis on August 9th. He was super fatigued & had typical mono symptoms. On August 21st he flew down to Orlando to spend sometime with me before heading back overseas. The next day- Sunday, he started to decline- feeling nauseous and was really dehydrated. He went to the ER on Sunday night. They pretty much said that he had mono bad- gave him fluids, pain medication and sent him home. The next day he got worse with the same symptoms plus throwing up. We returned to the ER on Monday night. They said the same thing- gave him more fluids, took more blood, gave him nausea medication and sent him home. Tuesday was a long day where I prayed and prayed he was getting better. I am an eternal optimist so I was sure he was recovering. 

Wednesday he was worse again, and his mom- Julia flew in around 6pm. He asked to go back to the ER (for the third time!). We agreed and took him right in. This time was the worst- he couldn't walk and was admitted immediately. He had mono + dehydration + jaundice + nausea + pain + tingling all over his body. After that it is somewhat of a blur. Drew's dad, John flew in Friday night. Drew has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Feel free to read up and ask questions if you like. 

With GBS it attacks the body's nervous system, creating temporary paralysis starting at the toes and working it's way up and eventually recedes. Every case is different and some are much more severe than others. Drew has many ups and downs- he goes through intense pain and nausea often. I have lost count of the blood tests, ultrasounds, CT scans, MRI's, and x-rays. 

Where Drew is now: In ICU @ Winter Park Memorial where he is on pain meds, nausea meds, blood clotting meds, potassium, fluids, IVIG (Intravenous immunoglobulin), and receiving Plasmapheresis today. The numbness (paralysis) has reached his face- he is having trouble swallowing and breathing. They are ready to give him a breathing tube if needed. 

I am not a doctor so please forgive any medical terminology I screwed up. God has given John, Julia and I lots of strength and we appreciate your prayers so much. We know that God is sovereign in this and we trust Him with Drew and what lies ahead. We will do our best to update this blog when we have information. 

Lots of Love,
Whitney, John & Julia


  1. Praying with you Whitney. We love him and we love you guys. May God be glorified in Drew's life.

  2. We are praying for you daily, and I've been thinking of you often! My heart really goes out to you! I'm praying for your strength and for Drew's healing! So sorry that you're all going through all of this. I pray that it will soon be over! Much love! -Chelsea

  3. So heartbreaking to hear how much Drew is suffering. This must be so difficult for you to witness and I pray he turns the corner and begins to heal as quickly as he got sick. Praying for you and thinking about all of you every minute of every day.. Love you!! - Melissa

  4. Love you guys...know we are thinking about praying for you all often. - Michael

  5. We're staying updated through Marcus and praying continually, as are many, many others here! Lean into the Lord to find the strength you need to be strong and courageous for Drew, Whitney. We love you both.

  6. I am so sorry to hear about Drew's recent diagnosis. Please know that Drew, and all of you, are in my constant prayers. May God give all of you the peace and strength to get through each day and my He heal Drew of this illness and restore his health.

  7. We, at JFMT, are all praying for Drew to be strong and know that God is Good and is with him. We pray for you too! Elizabeth

  8. Dear Whitney i can imagine how much you are suffering from this but i also know that you are such a brave and strong girl i would like to appreciate and praise your loyalty and love twards Drew. Just let you know that Drew is love alot and we all pray for him and he is in my memory and my thoughts always. i am sure he will be out of this soon.
