The numbness has continued to rise up Drew’s body- eventually it will decide it’s had enough and go back down. Yesterday it was numb up to his belly button and now it’s up to his collarbone. Drew also had a fever & high heart rate today but the nurses got him back to ‘normal’ quickly. He tried out a new pain med for his back this evening that seemed to work really well; snoring is always a good sign! Never did I imagine I would be excited to hear my future husband snore.
Even though Drew is mostly sleeping or in pain he is still really sharp and knows what’s going on. Today I was in the room and some nurses came in and told him he needed an x-ray. He said that he’d already had one and didn’t need it. They said that he needed another but they’d double check. They came back and said it wasn’t necessary…. Good thing he’s keeping the doctors in check!
Walking through this alongside others that love Drew is such a blessing. Thankful to have John and Julia here. I'm also thankful for you and others that continue to follow along in this journey- offering encouragement and prayers. Thank you :)
Glad to hear Drew is still very sharp mentally. That was always a true of Drew when I knew him at Northwestern. :) I'll continue praying