Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lucky Number Five

Drew is making the rounds at Winter Park Memorial- we are on our 5th room. His appetite and sense of humor are back. You may have picked up on this from previous posts but it was confirmed yesterday when one of the doctors (so many- I can’t keep count anymore) asked Drew, “When is the last time you had a drink?” and he responded “Not in weeks”.

I will try to paint a picture of exactly what's going on right now. A doctor this morning said he sees maybe 10 cases like this a year in the Orlando area, which is not that many! Drew’s numbing is slowly receding, little by little, daily. The right side of his face is still numb- we've noticed it getting better but as of now he can’t move his right eyebrow and does a very nice half smile. To me he is just as handsome as the day we met- 10 months & 2 days ago, but who’s counting?

Drew has 2 plasmapheresis treatments left; I think we will all be happy when they are over. The doctors are concerned about some of his blood tests and each has different ideas of what it could be. Some think it is just a side effect of the Guillain- Barre Syndrome and the plasma exchange. We will wait to hear and let you know when we do.

The road ahead…. We do not know, but God does. Physical therapy can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 years. I am praying for 2 weeks. Once Drew is 'medically stable' he will start inpatient rehab. The plan is he will stay in Orlando for that and then move back to Naperville for outpatient rehab. We are still planning on March 25th for the wedding. Drew is just starting to process what the future will look like and I am trying not to worry about it.

THANKS for all the notes, prayers and encouraging comments. They mean a lot. Drew is starting to read the blog now, so feel free to write a comment to him- I’m sure he’d appreciate it!


  1. praying for you drew! it is a joy to read that you are recuperating! you (and your future wife) have a beautiful journey ahead! i know it's random to hear from me of all people, but i was always excited about the work God has been doing in you ever since we spent a quarter sharing in CCI at NU.

  2. Hey Drew!
    I just found out about this today but I wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and Whitney both! The prayers of Slippery Rock University are with you as well!

    In Him,
    Curtis Nichols

  3. I'm friends of Tim and Tammy Norman and work with them in Texas. Just want you to know we prayed for you today.

    Mary Beth Minnis

  4. Have prayed for you so much (and Whitney and your mom and dad)!! So grateful to God Almighty that you are seeing improvements and have maintained that unmistakable Drew sense of humor! We've watched every little update and thought of you so much.
    Keep trusting Him dear friend!
    Dan and Alicia

  5. Drew and Whitney,
    We have been praying for you tons since we heard about this. So glad that things seem to be looking up. We know that this can be quite the emotional roller coaster and are praying that you would be thankful daily for God's good provision for your lives. Health challenges are definitely scary, but they are also such sweet times, and we hope that you are experiencing that.
    Whitney, it has also been fun sort of getting to know you through this blog, learning about the girl Drew is marrying :) We are thankful for this fun glimpse into your relationship, even if the circumstances are far from ideal.
    So much love to you both,
    Kevin and Lauren Cowart

  6. Hi Drew! You have been one sick puppy! I have been praying for you often - and for Whitney and your folks. Here is a verse I found in one of my quiet times last week: "The Lord works out everything for his own ends - even the wicked for the day of disaster." Psalm 16:4 (NIV) I love this truth! EVERYTHING in my life (and in yours) is under His sovereign loving rule - and He is working it all out for his own ends! (He even has an end in store for the wicked, godless ones.) For you - as His beloved son - He has good purposes all lined up! I pray this truth settles deep into your soul Drew in these days ahead. Your fan and friend, Mike Jordahl (PS - I really like Whitney!)

  7. Drew, we are praying often for you here in the Great Lakes. So thankful that the recovery process seems to be starting and the numbness receding. We want to "help you by our prayers" (2 Cor. 1:11) for sure, and also any other way we can.
    In Christ,
    Kevin Brechner
    (for the WSN and ICS Care Team)

  8. I talked to John today on the phone (I answered it in class) and he said Drew was progressing so I thank the Lord for that praise. You are on many peoples minds and prayer list here in our little NC community. I had one of my students ask how you were doing and he wanted you to know that he was thinking and praying for you Drew. I wonder if he thinks he is going to get a better grade in class for that? :)
